Kacific Fibre Backup

Avoid costly service outages when you protect your networks with a secure, reliable backup system.

cable cut internet solution by Kacific

Fibre failure is common. Your whole network, wherever it goes, relies on constant mobile backhaul and internet connections. A cut anywhere in the cable delivering your fibre service can be costly.

satellite internet by Kacific

Using powerful satellite technology, Kacific provides inherently resilient Fibre Backup links to every site, no matter where it is in the network. Our satellite services are always on.

dish internet by Kacific

Fibre Backup Standalone Service

Ideal for large enterprises and businesses, government agencies and emergency services, who need access to broadband internet 24/7 for critical communications and internet-based applications. This service gives you secure, stable high-speed connectivity delivered over an easy-to-install satellite dish.  And when your bandwidth is not needed for back up, we’ll work with you to develop a business solution to generate supplement income with this capacity.

Fibre Backup Add-on Service

Already have a Kacific solution in place? Kacific offers Fibre Backup as a complimentary service which can be added to your Kacific network package. In the event of a fibre cut, Kacific Fibre Backup redirects your dedicated satellite bandwidth. Your remote sites continue to operate, but a small amount of capacity from each site is switched to a redundant dish at the fibre landing station. It only requires a small CAPEX to place additional dishes at fibre landing points.

  • Highly secure, stable connection
  • High availability >99.9%
  • Satellite dish sizes: 1.2m, 1.8m, 2.4m, 4.5m

F e a t u r e s

internet speed checking by kacific

Fibre-like speeds (dependent on configuration)

reliable modem of kacific

Use standard modems at regular sites and a high throughput modem at the back up landing point

cloud internet solution of kacific

Connectivity to the internet backbone via Kacific gateway

fast internet by kacific

Build into your existing solution