Kacific Enterprise Backup

Stay connected 24/7 when you back up your internet with our satellite broadband.

high internet services by kacific

Internet connectivity is now crucial in allowing most enterprises to carry out their core functions even in remote areas. Fibre and communication cable cuts are much more common than imagined. Accidents, animals, natural disasters, vandalism and weather all cause communication blackouts for millions of people annually. Companies and governments lose money every year due to inevitable short telecom network disruptions, bringing business to a standstill. Deloitte estimates that normally well-connected locations can lose up to 2% of their yearly revenue for every day without connectivity.

internet provider to industries

That’s where Kacific Enterprise Backup can help, by providing a secondary high-speed internet connection via a small satellite dish. This very affordable on-demand, hot-backup package allows organisations, factories, and enterprise branches to quickly and automatically recover. They can continue with normal activities when their primary internet access is compromised.

Enterprise Backup

Kacific Enterprise Backup includes a one-off satellite dish installation at each site, combined with a simple per month, per site package, by far offsetting the cost of regular, short or mid-term internet disruptions. It can be scaled to suit business needs from SMEs up to large-scale enterprise sites.

F e a t u r e s

satellite internet by Kacific

High-speed internet on-demand with powerful broadband satellite service

tools of kacific

Built into your existing solution

Antenna of kacific

90cm or 1.2m satellite dish

no hidden cost flexible plan of internet by kacific

No hidden costs, works like an insurance policy on your connectivity

enterprise internet services by kacific

Can be deployed anywhere in city, suburban or rural branches
