Fast Internet for Enterprises

Fast Internet for Businesses

This scalable, turnkey solution offers a convenient way to connect remote offices to high-speed internet. Simply install small satellite dishes at any site you choose, whilst Kacific manages the internet service.

Kacific Community WiFi

Support better connectivity for the public at Government-owned locations with WiFi hotspots that are accessible with an easy prepaid voucher system.

Kacific Enterprise Backup

Protect your business from network disruptions with a 27/4 backup option for high-speed internet. Enjoy seamless business continuity via a small satellite dish that can be installed in a variety of locations.

Kacific CCTV And Remote Data Collection

A secure, encrypted and mullti-layered broadband solution for security firms, research operations, the film industry, and the mining, oil and gas industry to connect surveillance networks and remote operations.