Kacific wins IJGlobal Award – 2019 Asia Pacific Telecoms deal of the year

Jul 27 2020

Kacific has won the Project Finance and Infrastructure Magazine’s ‘IJGlobal 2019 Asia Pacific Telecoms deal of the year’ in recognition of the excellent commitment of our investors, financial supporters, such as Asia Development Bank and GuarantCo, and finance team to ensuring the Kacific1 satellite would become a reality.

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Getting investment on board was no easy task. Our incredible financing team, led by our Chief Financial Officer Mark Wong, shared Kacific’s vision with investors and financiers. Mark says:

“We were dealing with a complex mix of private sector and government customers, as well as the element of the societal impact the Kacific1 broadband brings to remote communities. It was a challenge to ensure that the commercial debt terms recognise unique aspects of this transaction, including the markets and sectors that the Kacific1 satellite is serving, and we were very fortunate to have secured a group of lenders who understood the interplay between the commercial and social aspects of the transaction, and worked with us to find a workable structure”.

Congratulations to everyone involved in financing Kacific1 – the satellite is already connecting smaller communities across Asia Pacific, many for the very first time, to high-speed, affordable internet.

Read more in the Summer 2020 issue of IJGlobal