“Don’t be nervous”, “Don’t pollute the water” and “Don’t marry White girls” were just some of the warnings given to artist Christian Chapman by relatives while growing up in Fort William First Nation near Thunder Bay. Primarily meant to give the young artist a sense of expectation and guidance, these reproaches also imparted insights on the politics of urban life, identity and belonging. Years later, these sayings would become the foundations of his most recent series of large-scale, mix media paintings. Using a series of ‘Don’ts’ as the basis of each individual painting, Chapman juxtaposes these familial warnings with a range evocative silk screened images of political leaders, well-known icons and actors. Altogether, these sayings and images present a layered examination of the contemporary world – one that also is inspired by both his Ojibwa roots and by artists belonging to the Woodland School of Art.
Don’t Eat the Fish, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, November 5 – December 12, 2010.
Image credits: Installation view, 2010 (left), “Don’t Marry White Girls”, 2010 (centre), and “Don’t Break the Law”, 2010 (left). Acrylic on canvas. Images courtesy of the Artist.